Friday, January 21, 2011

Ways to get ideas.

14 ways to get new ideas

Above is an article by Mitch Ditkoff who writes about ways one can generate new creative ideas. They are sort of helpful hints more than they are ways to get ideas, like guidelines. The article goes through fourteen different ways from brianstorming to becoming social and meeting new people to create new connections. MItch talks alot about honing in on ones craft and to not get too antsy or excited because that could kill the idea or stress you out too much where you don't even want to think about it anymore. I dont necessarily agree with all of the ways the he puts forth mainly because all people are different and have a different way of doing things, however that is just my opinion. The next person who reads his article may completely agree with a certain idea of Mitch's that i completely disagree with. I think this article is very versatile in which every person could find at least a few ideas of Mitch's that they like. I dont want to go too in depth because my bias could affect the next persons bias but here are a few examples of ideas that i liked of Mitch's.

Idea number five "Fantasize"
I have always been a big advocate of stick to your dreams. If you really want to do something and i mean really truly, deep down want something with your life, you can do it. However, i must say that you should be able to take a look at yourself from an outside point of view and see what your strengths and weaknesses are. After you can judje yourself and believe that you can do something then go do it. And when you are doing it dream about it, make it something that when you do get to do it you are excited about it. Maybe you are a film student and you want to one day be a writer for a big production company and write for feature films or maybe a sitcom. If that is you "dream," your aspiration for life, where you believe nothing would make you happier than you should dream that one day you will make it to where you want to be, but for now you are just at the beginning of the ride. I think that having a dream and not letting that dream slip away because society tells you that you should just fall into the flow and become another drone to the world, is what makes America so great. We all have one life and one opportunity to do what we want with it. Why not dream? why not motivate yourself to get to where you want to be and become a successful person on your own terms. Dream Big, Be Humble.

Idea numer 9  "Notice and challenge existing patterns and trends"
This idea is great. It explains that we should begin to look at markets and notice what is trending and what is not. Find what is popular and and maybe use that as a staring point. However dont try to just make a remix, or redo an idea. Build from the idea, take it for what it is and then morph it into something that is your own. Start to become analytical, see things for what they are and not for what your bias says or what his bias says or what anybody's bias says because most likely his or her bias is only a bias because someone else had that bias before. Learn to become analytical of the market and see what it flourishes in and what it is devoid of, try to find something missing as if the market were a puzzle piece and you are the enthusiast. Trust me there are going to be a lot of puzzle pieces to choose from and you might try endless amounts of pieces to fit in the spot, but never stop because when you do find the right piece the reward will be bittersweet.

Idea number 12 " Look for happy accidents"
Mitch tries to explain here that instead of dwelling on trying to find the next creative idea or forcing it to come, to let it just happen and let the idea evolve. If we dwell on just finding the solution to the problem and never step away from it we may never get to see if from a different angle. By stepping away from it and letting the idea marinate in your oven like brain, when you come back to it, it might look different to you, and you might think of what could make it even more perfect but in a different way that you didnt think of before.  Also by letting the idea in your head just sit you arent just forgetting about it, it will be present and it might even come out in conversation you have with friends or new acquaintences. For instance you could bring up an idea you have been messing with in conversation and someone might say something that you didnt expect them to say or say something of a different aspect and that could help your idea. Its important to remember that many good ideas become better ideas if you bounce them off of another person. By not expecting something to happen or by not trying to make something happen it just may.

FInal Prompt Number 9
WHat trends in the marketplace most intrigue you?
As an aspiring musician i am always following what is going on in the music scene, for me specifically the Hip Hop Scene and the Metal Scene. What most intrigues me in the marketplace is the variety of artists that there is out there. But at the same time there are so many artists who are doing the same thing and making the same music. This intrigues me because i feel that i have an edge. And to be an artist i want to have that Vibe like Underoath has or like Lil Wayne has, No one else sounds like them and they cannot be mistaken. They are the actual artists within the scene amongst all the posers and wannabes.
In what ways might these trends shift in the coming years?
I think that people are beginning to realize that many artists do not have that much talent and have just been pushed by a label to make pop songs that will sell. People are beginning to see past all of the Celebrity gimmick and are starting to demand artists who are real and dont follow a crowd or say something because its popular to say. People are starting to demand individuality.
And how might your most inspired idea be in sync with this imagined shift.
If i know anything after 20 years of being alive in American and on Planet Earth is that i am very different than a lot of people and that i have a different way of thinking than other people. Basically i know who i am, what i value, what i want, and where i am headed, and even if my ideas are not completely in sync with this imagined idea, i dont care. I only have one life, i'm going to do what i want.

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