Friday, January 21, 2011

Find Your Howl

Find Your Howl

the link above is a link to an article called find your howl. It is about finding what is is about you that makes you, you. The story is about the red wolf who is becoming extinct. Environmentalists take this endangered species out of the wild and into a controlled space to make sure they don't become extinct. When the wolves produce offspring they send a wolf, Mumon, out into the wild to see what he can do. In the story Mumon meets a deer that explains to him that he knows what is howl is but he is just trying to hard to find it. Mumon eats the deer but then feels remorse. Ravens then come and pick the deer clean of any meet and then talks to Mumon telling him that he needs to not feel ashamed for what he did by killing the deer. He needed the deer in order to live and because of that Mumon should not feel remorse. finally Mumom is travelling along and seems to fall into a dream where he is at the center of the earth. Here he finds a tribe celebrating around a fire dressed in the red fox costume at this moment mumon walks into the fire, hears the beat of the drum and howls. After he is finished he is no longer in a fire and around a tribe but he is surrounded by other red wolves and they are all howling at the moon.

WIth this story Flaum is trying to explain to the audience that in order to find who you really are you need to put all bias aside and let go of the past. You need to see with new eyes and instead of thinking about who you are, you need to learn to just know who you are.

Id like to think that i have found my howl. As an aspiring musician my whole life the only thing that has ever really made sense to me was music, and being able to express myself through it. Although i grew up listening to metal i have a love for hip hop and the idea of a rhymic poem over a beat. When i was young i was always obsessed with lyrics. ever CD i have ever owned i have read the lyrics, even the band member thank you's in the jacket of the cd. I am obsessed with lyricism and my howl is a few verses that i wrote for the song family business by Kanye West.


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